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Monday, January 13th Morning News


The Far West Texas Community-Building Summit is Friday and Saturday at the Granada
Theater, a summit aimed at restoring some vitality to the Alpine business community.

The presenter will be Doug Griffiths, author of “13 Ways to Kill Your Community” and founder
of 13 Ways Inc., which is dedicated to fostering thriving communities.
The group will meet on Friday evening and again Saturday morning to discuss ways to breathe
life into the Alpine economy.
Griffiths will be at both meetings. His book, “13 Ways to Kill Your Community,” covers how to
make and keep towns strong and vibrant and Front Street Books has them in stock.
After the talk Friday, the group will visit informally and eat together. Food will be available from
vendors onsite.
The next morning, the group will be back at the Granada to work on ways to act on all the ideas
discussed the night before.
This event is free because of the sponsors but space is limited.
To register, go to and scroll down to “register” at the bottom
of the page.
If you have trouble with the registration process, email

The Sul Ross Small Business Development Center has another class scheduled for tomorrow
with “Getting Ready to File Your Taxes” by Zoom Webinar from 1 to 2.

The tax season may seem challenging to navigate and to prepare for tax season and you can learn
from an I.R.S. expert what you should and should not do throughout the year.
Learn tips for remaining organized and maintaining receipts when doing your tax returns and the
proper forms that must be presented in accordance with the business you operate.
Avoid being audited for incorrectly processing payroll, incorrectly filing I-9 forms, selecting the
wrong filing status and incorrectly preparing freelancers’ taxes, among other things.
You’ll learn where and how to find the most recent tax laws, understand which tax records you
should keep and for how long and moreover, how to properly discard them.

The presenter will be Shani Descieux, I.R.S. Senior Stakeholder Liaison.
For more information call Norma Martinez 837-8813.
To register for any of its trainings, log onto S.B.D.C.-dot-Sul Ross-dot-edu-slash-Alpine-slash-

The Way Out West Art Show with a Western flair by the Big Bend Arts Council runs through
February 28 at the Big Bend Gallery at 115 West Holland Avenue in Alpine.

Artists were allowed two entries each and they could submit replacements for any that had sold if
For more information, contact curator Amanda, Jan
Moeller at or

Retired Brewster County Tax Assessor-Collector Betty Jo Rooney will go back to her former
work station as a volunteer representative for the Marathon Independent School District.

Superintendent Dr. Ivonne Durant told us that Board President Cheyenne Marta invited Rooney
to return to the County Appraisal District as Marathon’s representative.
Rooney attended Marathon Schools and later Sul Ross State University and began working in
Brewster County Tax Office in July 1979. She retired in 2020.

And a reminder that people without heat on these cold winter mornings have a respite (RES-pit)
at the Alpine Fire Department.

Contact Fire Chief James Etchison at 432/538-2106 if you need the help. Then go to the station
at 208 East Holland Avenue.

This has been your local and area news report for KVLF 98.7 FM, 1240 AM and KALP 92.7 FM

Local news can be found on our website at