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Monday, August 19th Morning News


The Big Bend Sentinel reports this week on a program housed at Big Bend Regional Health Center that provides crucial mental healthcare services to seniors.
The service can brighten their lives, improve their physical condition and offer a chance to share their experiences with peers on the challenges of aging.
Called Senior Life Solutions, it provides counseling and wellness programs to those 65 and older.
The program’s coordinator Sarah Schutz said it can help deal with issues like grief, depression, isolation and living with physical health care problems.
The primary counseling offered is through group therapy sessions, which Schutz said works well for peers facing the same challenges.
She said they bond and work things out, because they are facing things at the same time and going through what others are going through.
For more information, call 837-0455 or see

Brewster Couty Commissioners have called for a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and proposed tax rate for 9:30 Tuesday next week.
The figures for both budget and tax rate have not been set. County Judge Greg Henington said the present figures would indicate a deficit budget with expenses exceeding revenues.
But several area bodies are adopting deficit budgets with the intention to find savings as the year progresses.
The court agreed to set the hearing date and then work to bring the budget into balance.
Treasurer Julie Morton said the revenue for Fiscal 25 will be budgeted at 4/7 million dollars for Property Tax Collections, which is 96 percent of the total levy.
The other numbers were still being massaged and County Judge Greg Henington said commissioners may use money in savings to balance the budget.

The Big Bend Arts Council has received an emergency grant that will allow it to open the Big Bend Art Gallery at 121 West Holland Avenue.

The council operated both the Gallery on the Square and Catchlight Gallery but the May 26 fire destroyed the Gallery on the square and damaged the Catchlight.
The Gallery on the Square was in the Forcheimer Building, which was gutted. Catchlight was in the building just to the west where the new combined galleries will be.
Council President Jan Moeller said the grant will allow them to acquire display shelving and cases so they can start to populate the new gallery with art.
Many paintings were also destroyed in the fire and painters also got grants to help them recover from some of their losses.
Moeller invited residents to stop by the new address and if they see work under way, to come in and look at what’s going on. She said it still is a little chaotic but it’s becoming more organized.
The address again is 121 West Holland at the corner of 6 th Street.

The Sul Ross Small Business Development Center has announced training planned for this week.
Unlocking Visibility: Know Your Customer, Grow Your Brand, will be from 11 to noon on
This is training that focuses on helping businesses differentiate themselves from their
competitors by becoming an expert on their customers.
By adopting a customer-centric approach, businesses can gain valuable visibility in their industry
and become a trusted authority.
Dealing with Difficult People: Communication Styles and Conflict Resolution will be from 10 to
noon Thursday.
The modern workplace continues to change, impacted by multiple generations and a strong
emphasis on individualization.
How do you deal with all the differences? Do you know what your communication style is? Do
you think about the communication style of others?
Information will be provided Sul Ross State University S.B.D.C., P.O. Box C-47, Alpine 79832.ince 2019 while the costs of running
a school district continue to rise dramatically.
There are some new funding sources, she wrote. But will it be enough to stave off disaster.
The full column appears near the top of Page Four in this week’s Alpine Avalanche performance with no presale or online sale.
To further participate, you can Buy a Cowboy a Meal. The promotion has been great success and a part of the weekend that these ranch cowboys still are talking about.
Send donation to B.B.R.R., Post Office Box 2140, Alpine, Texas 79831 or drop it off at Big Bend Saddlery or Out West Feed and Supply.

This has been your local and area news report for KVLF 98.7 FM, 1240 AM and KALP 92.7 FM

Local news can be found on our website at