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July 4th – julio 4


The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has rescinded a boil water notice for customers of the Marathon Water Supply and Sewer Service Corporation.
The notice was issued June 25 when repairs were ordered that could have polluted drinking water, thus the order.
The public water system has taken the necessary corrective actions to restore the quality of the water.
It has provided the T.C.E.Q. with laboratory test results that indicate that the water no longer requires boiling prior to use as of Wednesday. For questions or concerns, contact Bernice Martin or Rebecca Garcia at 386-4229.

The Tri-county area was filled with events and activities Thursday for the July 4 Independence Day holiday. But it’s not over yet.
Skelton’s Runway at 300 South Cockrell will have its Big Bend Freedom Fest this weekend.
It will have a championship Barbecue Cookoff, a car and motorcycle show, a Cornhole tournament and live music.
The Puro Party All Stars will play starting at 7:30 Friday and Country star Gunner Latham takes the stage at 9:30. Saturday, the cookoff will be all day with D.J.s and food trucks on site.
For more information on the cookoff, contact Aaron at 599-2560. For the car and motorcycle show, call David at 234-8773 and for the Cornhole Tournament, call Zach at 995-1731.
That’s the Big Bend Freedom Fest at Skelton’s Runway at 300 South Cockrell Street, also known as Highway 118 South.

The Alpine Avalanche reported above the fold on Page One this week that Brewster County Emergency Management Coordinator James Etchison is the new Alpine Fire Chief.
Etchison was recently named E.M.C. after Stephanie Elmore resigned.
The action was by the new Alpine Emergency Services Board, which was created when city and county fire efforts for north Brewster County were merged by County Judge Greg Henington.
Etchison replaces former Chief Andrew Pierce and two assistants were released by the new fire board last month.

Board Secretary Rusty Moore, who moved to approve Etchison, said he would do a great job leading the department. Etchison said he was already working on grants to provide the department with needed

Dr. Steven G. Platt, a former professor of Biology at Sul Ross State University, has published an extensive study of a rare turtle in Myanmar.
The Burmese Roofed Turtle was once widespread and abundant in Myanmar but by the late 1990s the species was considered extinct until it was “rediscovered” during the early 2000s.
The investigation relied heavily on the traditional ecological knowledge of villagers living along the rivers.
The researchers visited 243 villages, towns and encampments, interviewed more than 14 hundred people and discovered the species was now restricted to 21 kilometers of one river.
A captive breeding group was established in 2004 in Mandalay with five females and three males, resulting in population exceeding one thousand.
As of late 2023, the Burmese Roofed Turtle is no longer considered at high risk of biological extinction.
Dr. Platt is an Associate Conservation Herpetologist with the Wildlife Conservation Society Myanmar Program and the Turtle Survival Alliance.
He received his Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Wildlife Management from Louisiana State University and his Master of Science from Southeastern Louisiana University.

This has been your local and area news for KVLF 98.7 FM, 1240 AM & KALP 92.7 FM. Local news can be found on our website at

Buenas tardes, mi nombre es Alexandra Tackett y éstas son sus noticias.

Este ha sido su reporte local y del área para KVLF 14 AM y 98.7 FM y KALP 92.7 FM. Traido a Ustedes por McDonald’s y Amistad Motors. Todas las noticias locales pueden ser encontradas en

Y ahora continuamos con Ritmo Latino con Leo Dominguez.

Mi nombre es Alexandra Tackett. Tengan un excelente dia.